A lot of businesses are slowly evolving and becoming bigger with time. When this happens, they tend to accumulate a lot of records in terms of paperwork among others. For example, it might be tax filings, client reports and the rest. This can be quite too much and it presents an opportunity for misappropriation. This is where accounting or audit firms come in. These are companies that help in scrutinizing whether the books gave been prepared according to the International Financial and Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the International Accounting Standards (IAS) too.
Accounting is a major field and it includes a lot of aspects. These audit firms come in to help ensure that everything is done in an orderly manner and by the book. These audit firms normally have staff on the ground who will investigate the books in an effort to see whether there is a fraud. In doing this, they use various techniques and technological software that will flag any suspicious transactions and bring them to the notice of the business owners. Sometimes the client might have so much paperwork and documentation such that it is impossible to track all the accounts effectively. This is why the Audit firms use a sample basis method to identify which transactions to problem into.
By nature is common knowledge that a lot of the Audit firms and especially the big four usually have a lot of workloads and this is owing to the size of the clients that they handle. Therefore, sometimes there may be down downtimes in trying to multi-task across all these activities. This way some errors happen which may be costly for the client. This is why we have companies that deal with the clients and can be said to be the voice of the clients in these matters. These are organizations that try to improve the internal processes of the company so as to identify weaknesses in the system and try to address them so that efficiency is enhanced in the process.
This company may achieve this goal in various ways for instance by recommending for the upgrading of the company systems. For instance, if the firm was operating manually then it may recommend adopting software that will make work much easier and reduce the paperwork. One of the key issues that arise is weak internal control systems (ICS) within the organization. VOC in full can be interpreted to mean the Voice of a client. In the case of weak ICS, the firm may recommend a division of roles or labor in the firm and learn to work as a team to achieve the desired outcome.
Generally, the voice of customer companies tries to bridge the gap between what the Audit firms do and what the clients want in the end. Sometimes, especially during the high season, you may get that there is too much work and too few employees. This may lead to delays in delivering client reports to them and this will make them disappointed and rate the company negatively. The VOC comes in to help with this.