Understanding Services

Application Security Testing

Companies that have huge customer base as well as maintained increase in their revenue is one thing but a company that has immense customer base along with retention rate with subpar security is vulnerable to disaster. A clever hacker could ruin the company by simply stealing user information, break into bank accounts or even sabotage servers.

Without having adequate protection, the personal information of customers will be held at a big risk and thus, taint the image of the business. Exposure of the confidential information can result to lawsuits and these lawsuits never do good for any companies. The great thing is, there are lots of ways of protecting the company’s server from these malicious attacks.

Most companies are actually installing basic firewall and even security software on their server. The low cost host is providing the most basic security solutions that are meant for small businesses. The scope of attack that hackers are capable of doing is one thing that does not cross to people’s mind. By using software hacking tools for ecommerce merchants, hackers would be able to break through the server and check for sensitive client breaking info. Not only that this is a security risk that puts the clients in bad light, this can even ruin the image and credibility of the business after a successful attack.

The only surefire way to make sure that the company’s website is secure from these sorts of events is by hiring security professionals who will be identifying and testing the vulnerability of the system. These professionals are using wide varieties of methods of ethical hacking in the server by using penetration testing in searching for weaknesses and vulnerabilities in software and code. By the time when they’re done, they will be able to create list of security issues and proposed solutions to be able to fix it up.

As a matter of fact, these applications security experts work like hackers but they’re just in the good side and at the same time, by using uncommon and common methods to find glitches in the server security. This then gives online businesses an idea of where they are lacking of in their servers or security system before they go live. During this mock attack, the business shall post a maintenance announcement as there will definitely be slow service to be experienced.

In this service, it typically includes source code review. By seeing that the business is working constantly to maintain their servers, it gives clients a sense that the business does professional work and care for operational status of servers. As a matter of fact, it is cost effective to hire application security experts than losing personal information of clients in the end and avoiding lawsuits at the same time.

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